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Happy 50th Birthday Hiphop


True Hiphoppas live our culture daily. However, during this time, we focus on shining, showing, and externally (only after internal mastery), displaying our respect for Hiphop by random acts of kindness and compassion.


Examples are:

Giving your change after a purchace to the person behind you in line.


Forgiving someone who has wronged you in the past.


Allowing someone to go ahead of you in line.


Do something kind for someone without them knowing it was you.


Give at least three people you don't know a compliment.


When someone tells you, "Have a nice day." You reply, "You have a better one."


Here's the spirtual words from, The Gospel of Hiphop

Pages 647-649, Paragraphs 16-24 from the
Gospel of Hip Hop First Instrument 
Presented by KRS ONE
For the Temple of Hip Hop


Hiphoppas who commit to the teachings of the 

Temple of Hiphop join a community of like-minded people

who practice Hip Hop beyond entertainment.  Temple

Members help one another through the obstacles of life.  We

protect one another.  We advise one another.  We respect one

another.  We love one another.  We support one another.  Such

is our strength.  And it will take this strength to develop and

sustain our nation.

17               Our ministry/society is not a fan club, nor a recording

 or fashion corporation.  The Temple of Hiphop is not even

a physical place, it is an international Hip Hop preservation

Ministry, Archive, School and Society (M.A.S.S.).

18               As a ministry, we promote the divinity of Hip Hop

and it's culture.  We seek to relieve human suffering through

an awareness of useful spiritual knowledge.  We are a self-

realization ministry.  We believe that GOD speaks through

one's true purpose in life.

19               As an archive, we seek to collect, document and

promote Hip Hop's spiritual and material experiences in

the World.  Our aim is to continue developing our traveling

Hip Hop exhibits and official Hip Hop museum/archive

for the remembrance and study of Hip Hop's history, art 

and culture.  We intend to edutain the public as to Hip

Hop's spiritual first causes and material effects beyond

music entertainment.

20             As a school, we seek to teach Hiphop, Hip Hop and

hip-hop to all interested apprentices/students.  We believe

that a good education does not prepare you for the job

market exclusively.  We believe that a good education helps

you to realize and perfect your true life purpose.  Such an

education helps YOU to become a better YOU.

21            Finally as a Hiphop society we seek to preserve Hip

Hop's original causes.  Whether it is with skill, influence, 

knowledge, art and/or money, as a society our existence

and activity insure Hip Hop's proper documentation in

World history.  Temple Members, our aim is to silently relieve

human suffering whenever and wherever possible.  Temple

Members are those Hiphoppas who share a basic thirst for 

Truth and an unshakable love for Hip Hop.

22            Like our society, our nation is not a physical

place.  Yes, we shall establish a physical landmass for our

nation, but in reality our nation is an attitude, a behavior,

a collective consciousness that transcends race, religion,

nationality and economic class.  The borders of our nation

are psychological; we limit ourselves to the title of Hip Hop

or Hiphop so that we may recognize each other by name

and nature.

23            We are not of the hired circle; we are of that Higher 

Circle.  We are not fee women and men; we are free women

and men.  Even when we have jobs to do or employment

to hold on to, we are still not trapped in the environment 

of corporate busy-ness (business) where one goes along

with injustice and continues corporate exploitation with the

statement I'm just doing my job!  We remain free and self-

directed!  We are Hip Hop!  We help people wherever we can.

24            Our temple houses our God, and in GOD we 

trust.  Our spiritual goals include getting out of our own

way so that God may manifest through us.  The Temple

of Hip Hop leads Hiphoppas toward God and the divinity

of Hip Hop's culture, not toward itself.  The Temple of

Hiphop is a spiritual Hip Hop movement concerned with

overcoming the obstacles and temptations of "street"

life and institutional entrapment and sabotage.  As the

sacred seal of our temple depicts, our vision and motto is



~ There it is!!

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